Monday, June 15, 2009

I'm back and Graduation is Over-A wonderful Week!!!!

Dave's graduation ended up taking the whole week. It was a strenuous and exhilarating week. We drove back and forth the whole week because we had to make sure all the animals here at the farm were taken care of. That went well.

The ceremony was on Saturday. It rained buckets but it went well anyway. I posted a picture of Dave. He has the red stole on because he was one of the students that studied abroad in China. He had to make the cut which was difficult.

It is funny to think of him showing his cattle in the show ring (won Midwest champion for his breed) and also remember how much time he spent with his horse. We will keep that horse forever. Stormy and Dave have been such a team. There are so many great memories of him growing up. He is adventuresome and I am sure there will be many more wonderful memories to come.

He is back on the farm for the summer! Yea!!!!!! Then he will be off on a new adventure. Dave is that way. He has always been great at setting a goal and reaching it. I'd like to think part of it comes from living here and working so hard.

We are so proud of him. He worked hard for this and earned it.
Now back to work here on the farm and looking forward to getting more things done around here.

Big and happy hugs from the Midwest,


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Congratulations Dave!!! Enjoy having him home for the summer Barb!

OldeAnniePrimitives said...

Hi proud you must be! Sounds like a wonderful son! I will be going through the same with my daughter next year! They grow up so fast!

Thought I was following...guess I didn't realize this was a different blog from the ArtFire blog. Well I am now! :)) ~~Annie