KeepSakeKorner is the featured shop of the week!!!!!
Susan offered these answers to questions often asked to OFG members.
SHe is fun to work with and offers wonderful items to help make your home a little more comfortable and warm feeling.
1. What is the name of your Etsy shop and why did you choose that name?
KeepSakeKorner. As to how the name came about.....actually...nothing
special. Wanted a name that reflected items you would want to keep. So I
played around with some names. Now my sub-line "Creations from Stitches of
Thread" came about from playing around with names that represented for the
most part, my creativity in fibers.
2. How long have you been on Etsy? I believe a year and 3 months now. Started
May 2008.
3. What type of items do you offer? Many purposeful/needful items. Most are
sewing. I do alot of other art work, but haven't display much on Etsy.
4. How long have you been crafting? Just about all my life. My grandmother
that raised me taught me to sew. She was a lovely seamstress. Did alot of
sewing during the depression to bring in extra money.
5. Who or What inspires you? Words from novels, poems etc. can inspire me. Then
there is God's Creation! Awesome!
6. What is your favorite item in your shop and why? Oh I guess my Yo-Yo Flower
picture that is framed. Right now they are alot of fun. I get bored easily,
(perhaps I have ADD)will thus try new things and go all out for a while
until the boredom bug bites. ! :)
7. Other places where you can be found. On my blog